PT Multi Sinar Adamar

Solution for Drug Interaction Analysis

Jul 15, 21
Now, Pandemic Situation, as information that some patients are worry about their medication and since society got more uncertain information about drug interactions in Hospitals, We, Adamar, has complete solution based on evidence and proffesionals in healthcare. More than million Physicians around the world already using this solutions to help them on Patient Caring Focus. They has used it for standardize their treatment to patients, help them to made decisions on diagnose or taking steps for medication or analysis and as the results to give High Quality Healthcare Services for Patients based on Evidence. 
Many Positives result that they will got, Doctos, Nurses, Pharmacists and for Hospitals. This solutions can be embeded with HIS to strenghen their system. They can used it while they treatment the patient, when they facing through the patients, or to answering their questions about healthcare. Reducing patients lenght of stay with under 2 minutes quick answer when they using this solutions.

Yes, Its UpToDate® and LexiComp®.

Clinical and Decision Support System

Please Visit UpToDate and LexiComp from our webiste.